Posts Tagged ‘rest’

Today was a simple rest day. I have gone to the gym every day for over a week now, so I needed a rest day, plus the gym was closed so I had no choice except for a run outside. Instead I decided to let my body heal and give it a break, and tomorrow I’ll be back at it for a hard lifting workout. I took my dog for a walk for perhaps a couple miles, but nothing strenuous. After getting in the momentum of working out, days off are always difficult, but I know that the occasional rest days are as important as working out. If I don’t give my body time to heal, it will never recover enough for me to continue to push it and develop it. But I can’t wait to hit the gym tomorrow!

Tomorrow I will write about my renovated lifting regimen, which I continually find ways to improve because I refuse to become complacent with my workout and settle a particular workout that I became comfortable with. Once you settle on a workout, you become complacent, and your progress stalls. It is necessary to keep pushing yourself and finding new ways to challenge your body to grow and become more fit. Complacency is the enemy of progress, whether it be mental or physical progress.